Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Bit of Fun As A Prisoner~


Hehe~ So like, the tittle says it all~ Who say being a "prisoner"; a slave to education purposes can't be fun? Hehe~ I never remembered ever saying that phrase, ever! Hehe~ I'm really happy being a prisoner...for education.. at Lim Kok Wing Uni'.. Hehe~

Hurm.. I really need to ask Daniel what is the meaning for "angst".. I was like, "angsa" ke ape? Hahaha... No pun intended.. Hurm.. This blog are meant to be fun, humourous, funny, humourously humourous!! hehe~ Hey, i just discover a new word!! Hehe~

Tee hee!! Hooray me!!

So like, you guys know that i'm addicted to anime and things like that right? heheh~ Lemme' explain again, I DO LUVVvVVvvVvVv anime!! Hehe~

The Drawing,

The Plot,

The Drama,

The Unique-ness,

The Cute Characters...

Oh, what joy.. Chewah!!! Hurm... A sample then~ Hehe~ Hurm.. Well, i do own a lot of anime piece that my friends gave to me.. Hey, i have a lot of good friends!! Hehe~ Though, i have few enemies too.. Well, who wouldn't? Hehe~

Hurm!! Dang!! I stray away from the main topic again!! Why does this always happen? Heheheh~ Nevermind then, i guess i'm as klutzy as ever.. Huhuh~~

Oh yeah, back to the main topic, i know that being a university student is no small feat.. Its very tiresome, one that will make you burn the midnight oil almost every night, until your oil also finish lar! Hehe~ Through the pain and sorrow; once in a while, (but for me, its every week and every time.. hehe) you can really do have fun.. Just like last night, me, Foong and Daniel~ Went to the swimming pool and had a very good time~ Hehe~

Okay~So i was like, late for my entry.. Huhu~ Its not my fault.. Too much eating and assignments.. Hhehehe~~ Okay.. Thats all for now... Muah muah~~

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Talk about friends~

tHe ConfeSsioN of a TeEnagE dRama Guy~ erRrRrKkK? wth??

Okay.. Here i am, Rozan Bin Mohd. Eddy, a...

~Lim Kok Wing Uni' student..

~a Tower A dweller in Desaria Villa Condo dat doesnt look like a condo to me..

~a simple kind of guy dat eats a lot when he feels like it..

~a sad guy..


One of my bestie from this college is going away a.k.a. quitting!! Dang!! At first i didnt believe it when one of my other friend, Popo a.k.a. Devin told me that.. And i was like,

"Gosh.. Why din he tell me? And i thought i'm his friend.."

(and i get all wimpy and stuff.. hahah!! Jokez!!)

And okay, end of that.. Hehe~ So like, Devin told me that Peipei a.k.a. Chin Pei don't want to tell me about the thing about him moving away to me, yet... Hurm.. Dont know why, but that really annoyed me.. I mean, why bother? Just tell me then, I'm not going to get all sentimental and stuff or broke down or something.. But, really, that did made me sad a bit.. He was my first friend here in LUCT..

Hehe~ Like i said, he was my first friend here in Luct.. He talked to me in this Design Class, on Friday.. Hehe~ And thats where it all started.. Became quite a good friend, and he introduced me to Popo a.k.a. Devin.. Hurm.. Life is quite funny, you can never expect whats going to happen in the future.. Things just start popping out of nowhere when you at least expecting it..

When i arrived at LUCT, i really do think that i'm going to have a hard time to adapt to the surrounding and the lifestyle.. And most of all, i was afraid not to be able to find friends and all.. Hehe~

BUt, hey, look at me nw.. Hehe~ I have d best "pack" of friends here in Luct!! Hehe~

I met new friends, not only from Malaysia, but FROM AROUND THE WORLD!!


~Saudi Arab



~Hong Kong



~Sri Lanka

~Malaysia.. Hehe~~

I guess i am soo lucky to be able to come here (Lim Kok Wing Uni')..

Not only does it gives me a brand new exciting experience of how "wild" it is uni' lifestyle, it also gave me a way lot of new friends from country outside mine.. Hehe~

But now.. One of my friends are leaving.. Things wouldnt be the same again.. Hurm..

Well, partly..

Pei pei ar!! Im going to miss you!! Thanks for being a good friend!! Till death do us part..

("Goodbye" song from Spice Girls serve as background music)

Hehe~ That was.. rather dramatic.. Hehe~


Hurm.. Although he's going away, its okay.. Its not like we're going to lose contact or anything.. I do really believe that friendship would last as long as we put much effort into it.. Being supportive of one another is a very crucial and vital things to do.. Whatever his decision is, i will support him, because he's my friends.. And friend supports one another, no matter what..

That is why, the word "friendship" for me is very precious and priceless.. You can't buy friends; real friends.. I love all my friends.. Hehe~ I never want to see them sad or anything like that.. Huhu~~

"Can i hear some applause please??"

* Clap clap clap clap clap clap*

*Crowds cheering very very loudly*

"Oh, thank you.. Thank you.. You guys are soo very very generous.."


Thats all for this time... Thank you..

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Accomodation Angst

Warning: The author was having a mouth ulcer and a cold when he was blogging, therefore he was under a painfully unspeakable bad mood. Beware of harsh comments and forgive the rudeness in his article.

Well, the title says it all, but in other words, Desaria sucks! No, it has nothing to do with my housemates, they are friendly and nice, and they don't SMOKE, thank god they don't! Before I got too carried away by the smoking issue, let's get back to the main topic about Desaria, almost everything there are less than satisfying. The food, the facilities, the internet connection, the frequent night chaos, noisy surroundings especially at night, etc...

For your information, I'm currently staying in a master bedroom(sharing) with air-conditional, the monthly rental is RM380 a month. What a promising sum of money, isn't it? Anyone paying this rate would expect a better quality of living standard. Let's not talk about 'better quality', at least it has to be satisfactory. But no! First of all, there's no washing machine, not even one on each floor, and they call that 'fully furnished'. As a result, we have to hand-wash our own clothes. Students who are tolerating enough(and loaded enough) will wash their clothes in the insanely expensive Dobi. But the Dobi looks more like a messy home with huge amount of clothes and a few indoor clothes racks rather than a...well, typical Dobi.

Secondly, we have to pay for our own internet connection because it's not included in the monthly rental. Don't ask me what exactly I'm paying for with RM380 bacause I don't know! Okay, fine, I'll pay RM65 monthly for the 'best' connection available, and I've learned ever since that if you managed to get connected, your web-pages loaded in less than a minute, and you managed to surf the net for half an hour without getting disconnected, it's the best you can hope for.

Am I supposed to be happy if there're cleaners cleaning my house once a week. Ya, I would be more than happy if they're doing their job well and they don't sweep the dust and hairs into my room. The last time they came to my house, I have to close my door to avoid their noisy chattering. After they left, I found out that that the area outside my room and below my door were filled with dust and hairs. Whenever I clean my room, I have to mop the whole house because it's very dirty, even after the cleaners came.

I'm not that choosy when it comes to food, but I have to admit that food in Desaria is terrible! The food in Mamak Cafe is always the same, their fried rice taste smoky and almost everything else are not to be eaten everyday, even if you can finish them. This morning I ordered a Wantan Mee in plaza and guess what, sugar in the mee? I managed to force half of it into my mouth before I gave up, not bad eh? Next time if there's a Limkokwing Fear Factor, I will surely recommend the food here.

I like to swim. But ever since I came here, I never swim. I don't like the pool because it's badly dislocated. It's in the middle of all the blocks and I prefer it to be a fish pond rather than a swimming pool. When I first saw the pool, I knew something was wrong with it. It doesn't feel like a real swimming pool.

We have to pay RM70 a month for the daily busses to LUCT or other shopping malls(I really don't know what I'm paying with the monthly rental). Yes, it's good to have special busses from here to LUCT everyday, but I would appreciate it better if we have more busses especially in the morning, so that I don't have to stand in the bus carrying my T-square in one hand and my precious model in the other hand. Besides that, it would solve the problem of students(or are they?) rushing toward the buses like they never seen them in ages.

Lastly(not exactly, but I have no time to complain everything), the worst of all, is the noisy environment everynight till 2 or even 3 o clock in the morning. Recently, there will always be huge chaos during the night. I don't know what's wrong, but the first time it happened was when a couple was playing and one of them dropped into the pool, or was it because of somebody coughed loudly? It's really insane, the students started shouting and throwing things into the pool(Yes, I told you about the problem of the pool). Some 'circus performers' even played with fires and firecrackers. The 'clever' security guards made matter worse by cutting off the electricity of all the blocks. I admit that I was cheering too because I thought it was 'cool', but after that, I realised that I really don't want it to happen everynight. I really wanted to shout 'SHUT UP! You rowdy people!' everytime it happens(yes, it still happens). I know the students are under stress because of the copious assignments and all that, but shouting and blasting musics in the night is not the solution. We are Limkokwing students, not some uncivilised brats from the jungle.

I think I'll stop right here, I'm having a cool now(to top up with the ulcer :( ). I hope everything in Desaria will improve in the future. Yucks, something from my nose is all over the keyboard...time to go...bye...*ah choo*

Friday, August 17, 2007

Random entry... Just to fill out this boredom.. Hehe~ Now iz approximately 12.07am in d morning, or night... Hurm.. Which one iz correct? I wonder... Darn.. Guess its' not very important.. Hehe~ Hurm.. Okay.. I'm done.... Hehe~

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Journal entry 1~~
fOundation English~
Lim Kok Wing, Arch 6~ Hehe~

Well, since this is a “formal” English Class homework, hahaha~ had to use very super super grammatical correcto’!! hahah~ daiji daiji!! (dang, my lappie still can’t support Japanese, Korean and Chinese letters.. Humph! What a drag! Need to download the software later; when I have the time.. ahhaha)

Without further ado, lets start blogging, shall we? Hahaha~ Errr,,, This have to be a minimum 300 words blog so might have to spend a bit more time with this.. Hehehe~ And okay, so lets just start with the introduction first~ Our class, led by Miss or Mrs (erk!?!) Juwida.. Okay, our class is quite cool and all that, and I thi nk I have to narrate it.. Hehe~ Here goes…

“Once upon a time, there lived a sage that wisdom far have been recognized by the civilization… The sage, believed to have been studying in the land of purity and white (USA, since there’s a lot of white people there. Hahaha) The sage, named Juwida had many apprentice that each owns their own talent and wits.. The sage held a class for the new apprentice to ready them for the world, on every second day on which the world travels solemnly on every week.. (does this makes sense? Hehe)

The class is rumored to be held by the branch of Yggdrasil, or also known as the World Tree that supports the world; and is a supporter of the godly world below and above.. Niffleheim, the below realm, and both Jotunheim and Valhalla, on the upper branch of Yggdrasil.. Hehe~ (fyi, all this facts is based on Norse and Greek myths.. hehe~ and a bit from a favourite game of mine; Valkyrie Profile.. Huhu~~)

Err.. Well, the sage taught her apprentices the basic art of alchemy (English), making potions (Grammar), conjuring (speaking ability) and other arts based on her wide knowledge.. (dang.. I’m getting sleepy~~) Hahahah~~

And, it was known that one day, the Head of Mimir, told the Father of all Father, Odin (the headmaster) that the battle towards the end of the world, Ragnarok (final exam) was drawing near.. So, Odin dispatched all the Gods and Goddesses under his command to prepare for the battle and look for suitable human souls to be a warrior for Valhalla.. (this is the part where I know I start to lose it.. hahaha~~~)

Dang… Stupid boring Grandmother story.. Hhahahah~~~ Errr…. Is this okay?? Wuuuuuu~~ I’ve been using the correct grammar all away (I think, hahaha~) And it’s really a drag not to be able to use abbreviation while blogging… Wuuuuuuuuuu~~ Doesn’t that just beat all? Hhahahah~~

Anyway, I haven’t introduce the BRIGHT, TALENTED, SUPER CUTE, HYPER CUTE, WITTY, CHARMING, BEAUTIFUL, HANDSOME, SUPER INTELLIGENT, SUPER FASHIONABLE, SUPER HYPER SUPERNOVA etc etc etc etc apprentice a.k.a. students of Mrs Juwida.. Haha~ Jeng jeng jeng!!

Okay, lets start with the girls first, we have Carol, Shanek (?), Remy (?), Aishah (?), and~~~~ Errrr.. That’s the only girls.. Hehe~ Then, comes the best part!! The boys!!! Hhaahha!! Super jeng jeng jeng!! *Ultraman theme song plays in the background* First, we have Daniel!! Then comes Aizat, Amr Ahmed, Arif, and me!!!! *Imitates Xena the Warrior Princess shouting very badly* hahah~

Err.. Is that all? We were supposed to submit a blog every week (lo and behold, there’s even a deadline!!!!! Hahaha) Typical homework kinda thing la, tho we call it assignments here.. hahah~ note d abbreviation tat I used.. hahah.. Feels soo free.. hahah~ errr…. Sleepy….. sleepy…. System almost down… uhhhhh~~ can’t… must keep typinhg~~ (>.<)’zzzzzz…

Rozan iz out…..kamon’(maybe)…