Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Bit of Fun As A Prisoner~


Hehe~ So like, the tittle says it all~ Who say being a "prisoner"; a slave to education purposes can't be fun? Hehe~ I never remembered ever saying that phrase, ever! Hehe~ I'm really happy being a prisoner...for education.. at Lim Kok Wing Uni'.. Hehe~

Hurm.. I really need to ask Daniel what is the meaning for "angst".. I was like, "angsa" ke ape? Hahaha... No pun intended.. Hurm.. This blog are meant to be fun, humourous, funny, humourously humourous!! hehe~ Hey, i just discover a new word!! Hehe~

Tee hee!! Hooray me!!

So like, you guys know that i'm addicted to anime and things like that right? heheh~ Lemme' explain again, I DO LUVVvVVvvVvVv anime!! Hehe~

The Drawing,

The Plot,

The Drama,

The Unique-ness,

The Cute Characters...

Oh, what joy.. Chewah!!! Hurm... A sample then~ Hehe~ Hurm.. Well, i do own a lot of anime piece that my friends gave to me.. Hey, i have a lot of good friends!! Hehe~ Though, i have few enemies too.. Well, who wouldn't? Hehe~

Hurm!! Dang!! I stray away from the main topic again!! Why does this always happen? Heheheh~ Nevermind then, i guess i'm as klutzy as ever.. Huhuh~~

Oh yeah, back to the main topic, i know that being a university student is no small feat.. Its very tiresome, one that will make you burn the midnight oil almost every night, until your oil also finish lar! Hehe~ Through the pain and sorrow; once in a while, (but for me, its every week and every time.. hehe) you can really do have fun.. Just like last night, me, Foong and Daniel~ Went to the swimming pool and had a very good time~ Hehe~

Okay~So i was like, late for my entry.. Huhu~ Its not my fault.. Too much eating and assignments.. Hhehehe~~ Okay.. Thats all for now... Muah muah~~

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